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Time for BPR? 2020 is not Business as usual!

Business process re-engineering (BPR) is the practice of rethinking and redesigning the way work is done to better support an organisation’s mission & reduce costs.

Most organisations re-engineer two key areas of business: 1. The continued use of modern technology to enhance data dissemination & decision-making processes. 2. To re-evaluate human resources tools, process, systems & methods to improve productivity and lower cost.

Business process re-engineering need not only be in times of crisis, but should be a build in process even when business is at its peak. It is the contrary to the famous saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", because, if you don't constantly change existing ways, you may end up being left out or run out of business.

5 simple ways to start the BPR process: 1. Set clear vision & business goals. 2. Establish a competent team to take you to your goals. 3. In-depth understanding of the current processes, what's working & what's not. 4. Improvise or redesign these processes. 5. Ensure implementation of the new process is top down.

Ultimately, BPR should enable automation that would promote optimisation & simplification of an organisation’s business model.

To learn more about BPR or Manufacturing Excellence courses, email inquires to: #FiringUpPeople #trainingprovider #BPR #hrdfclaimable


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