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Talent Development is Key for Sustainable Business Growth

Talent Development Framework, is a set of integrated organisational HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate & retain productive, engaged employees.

The goal of talent development is to create a high-performance, sustainable organization that meet its strategic & operational goals & objectives.

A integral part of talent development framework is succession planning. Only when you have identified, assessed & developed a set of talents, you can then have a sustainable team of staff who can assist the organisation for long term progress & growth.

Here are five key ways you can develop your talents (5E Model):

1. Educate - provide sufficient training

2. Experience - give your talents hands-on experience

3. Exposure - provide them the exposure so they can learn from others

4. Experiment - try placing them in different roles, projects & locations to assess their performance

5. Empower - enable them to try out new things, allow them to learn from failure in the process.

Learn how to leverage the advancing technology to help organizations prepare for the evolving world. Discover the importance of upskilling and reskilling as we embrace the future. Email your inquiries to:


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