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Muse HR: What is a People Review Process?

People review is a HR process to assess an organisation’s people capability to see if it's aligned with the organisation’s goals and vision.

Generally, people review should be facilitated regularly to analyse if the organisation have the right people in the right roles that would support growth.

Below is how you can initiate a people review process:

1. Take into account the current organisation structure with the future structure intended.

2. Review each person with their role, scope and competencies.

3. Analyse if you have the right persons for the right roles for the future.

4. Identify those most suited and those who are not.

5. Define a clear job scope, KPI and development plan for those in the right roles.

6. Refresh your workforce. Bring in new people to help match the organisation’s growth and ensure you have the right capable people in the remaining roles.

To learn more about People Review Process and HR Consultancy, email inquires to:



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