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Muse HR: What does Work from Home (WFH) mean?

The year 2020/21 seem to be the year for many people to adapt a Work from Home policy. Of course for some key services especially those involved directly in Production, Mechanical, Engineering and Medical, WFH could be rather impossible, but for the rest, this can be as effective and efficient if we knew how to properly manage.

In the growing trends of globalisation and cross border businesses, WFH has been a successful practice for some companies for many years.

Here are some tips to help your company and team to WFH. 1. Do everything that you would do in your office from your home, including waking up early and doing your routine chores. 2. Dress appropriately and be available online or virtually to attend meetings and calls. 3. Focus on your daily tasks and deliverables and report them regularly to your supervisor. 4. Avoid doing house hold stuff and family care or even cooking when WFH. The time must be managed as you normally would when being in office. 5. Learn to use technology, softwares and platforms that's trending and safe for your communication, training and meetings. 6. Set a comfortable office at home and take regular stretch breaks so you don't feel fatigue.

To learn more about WFH policies, Employee Handbook and other People Engagement matters, email your inquiries to:


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